José Luis Vázquez Sotelo
Professor Vázquez Sotelo forms part of Statim’s team as Of Counsel
Professor Vázquez Sotelo forms part of Statim’s team as Of Counsel
In addition to being a lawyer, Professor Vázquez Sotelo is a Full Professor of Procedural Law. He has also been a magistrate in the Tribunal Superior de Corts of the Principality of Andorra (1991-1993) and magistrate and first president of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Principality of Andorra (1993-2005), the highest court in the country.
Professor Vázquez Sotelo has dedicated more than 60 years to the study and practice of law, and he is an academic authority in the field of procedural law. As a lawyer, he has been practicing for 50 years, representing his clients before all instances and courts, and regularly providing them with advice on civil, commercial, and administrative matters. He has issued a multitude of legal opinions on matters of civil, procedural, and constitutional law, for national and international procedures, institutions, and entities.
He has extraordinary experience in the field of litigation and arbitration, having handled a wide array of matters and litigation of a civil, criminal, and contentious-administrative nature. He has intervened in disputes of particular importance, either due to their technical complexity, their economic relevance, or their social significance. His ability and experience in advising and representing clients in highly complex matters involving simultaneous action in various jurisdictions and matters stand out.
He is a specialist in the formulation of extraordinary cassation appeals before the Supreme Court in the civil, criminal, and contentious-administrative jurisdictions, as well as appeals for constitutional protection before the Constitutional Court, having intervened in countless proceedings before both courts.
Professor Vázquez Sotelo is a full member of the Ibero-American Institute of Procedural Law, the Pan-American Institute of Procedural Law, the International Association of Procedural Law, a founding and full member of the Ibero-American Institute of Bankruptcy Law, a member of the Business Institute of the National Academy of Law and Social Sciences of Córdoba (Argentina), and an honorary member of the Cuban Society of Procedural Law of the National Union of Jurists of Cuba. In addition, he is an Honorary Academic of the Galician Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation.
Professor Vázquez Sotelo places his knowledge, prestige, and experience at the service of Statim's clients to provide optimal advice, both to prevent conflict and, should a conflict arise, to have the best possible defense.
Bachelor’s degree in law, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Doctorate in law, University of Navarra (1973), cum laude
Judicial Secretary- “Secretario Judicial” (1960)
Full Professor of Procedural Law at the University of Leon (1984)
Full Professor of Procedural Law at the University of Zaragoza (1986)
Full Professor of Procedural Law at the University of Barcelona (1987)
In his academic activity, Professor Vázquez Sotelo has been a full professor of procedural law at the Universities of León (1984-1986), Zaragoza (1986-1987), and Barcelona (1969-1984 and 1988-2006).
In addition, he has been a visiting professor at countless universities around the world, with numerous stays at foreign university centers, such as the University of La Plata, the University of Buenos Aires Law School, and the University of Belgrano (Argentina), the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the University of São Paulo (Brazil), the University of Milan, the University of Catania, Tor Vergata University (Italy), and the University of Andorra, among others. Furthermore, he is part of the Academic Directorate and is a professor at numerous master's degree programs, courses and postgraduate courses in procedural law.
"De las ‘diligencias para mejor proveer’ a las ‘diligencias finales’: el nuevo art. 435 LEC" y "La nueva condena en costas", in Instituciones del nuevo proceso civil. Barcelona, Global Economist & Jurist, 2002. Vol. II.
Sistemas jurídicos y formación de jueces y abogados. Barcelona: PPU, 1995. 143 p.
"Comentario sobre Los principios del proceso civil y La justicia gratuita", and "La justicia gratuita", in Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil. Doctrina y jurisprudencia. Volumen I. Dikynson, 1994.
"Comentario a los nuevos artículos 523 y 1475 (imposición de costas) ", "1488 a 1513 (ejecución)", y, "1729 a 1736 (impugnación de laudos arbitrales)", in Comentarios a la reforma de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil. Tecnos, 1985.
Presunción de inocencia del imputado e íntima convicción del Tribunal. Barcelona: Bosch, 1984.
La Casación civil: Revisión crítica. Barcelona: Ediser, 1979.
Procesos penales especiales. Barcelona: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Facultad de Derecho, 1974.
"Discrecionalidad y Derecho procesal", in PICÓ I JUNOY, J., La evolución del Derecho procesal a la luz de "Justicia": 40 años de historia. Bosch, 2021.
"El Derecho Procesal: de gran ciencia jurídica a la banalidad", in PÉREZ-LUÑO, E.C., et alia, La administración de justicia en España y en América: José Martín Ostos (Liber amicorum). Astigi, 2021.
"El derecho procesal: de gran ciencia jurídica a la banalidad", in Derecho y proceso: liber Amicorum del profesor Francisco Ramos Méndez. Atelier, 2018. Vol. 3.
"Plazos máximos para la instrucción penal", in ALONSO-CUEVILLAS, J., El nuevo proceso penal tras las reformas de 2015. Atelier, 2016.
"Los principios del proceso penal legalidad, oportunidad y condena pactada", in PICÓ I JUNOY, J., Principios y garantías procesales: "Liber Amicorum" en homenaje a la profesora Mª Victoria Berzosa Francos. Bosch, 2013.
"La reaparición del ‘buen juez Magnaud’", in PÉREZ-CRUZ MARTÍN, A.J., et alia, Proceso, eficacia y garantías en la sociedad global: Liber Amicorum II. Atelier, 2013.
"El proceso de acciones colectivas: (necesidad de su implantación en España)", in Actualidad civil, issue 16 (2011).
"Ineficacia de la casación bajo el peso de la dogmática", in Justicia, issue 3-4 (2010).
"Los cinco orbanejas", in Justicia, 2010 (issue 1-2).
"La congruencia en el derecho español", in El principio de congruencia: Libro Homenaje al profesor argentino A. M. Morello. Editora Platense, 2009.
"Iniciativas probatorias del juez en el proceso civil", in Justicia, issue 1-2 (2009).
‘"Objeto actual" y "objeto virtual" en el proceso civil español’, in Revista de derecho procesal, issue 1 (2009) (Ejemplar dedicado a: Homenaje al profesor Pedro Aragoneses Alonso).
"Ineficacia de la casación bajo el peso de la dogmática", in Revista uruguaya de derecho procesal, 2009 (issue 3-4).
"Involución en el amparo español con la reciente reforma de la LOTC", in Libro Homenaje al Prof. mexicano Héctor Fix-Zamudio. Vol. VII: La ciencia del Derecho procesal constitucional. UNAM, 2008. p. 611-651.
"Los procesos colectivos (Confrontación entre la insuficiente regulación de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil y la del "Código Modelo para Iberoamérica")", in GIMENO SENDRA, J.V., CABEZUDO BAJO, M.J., El Tribunal Supremo, su doctrina legal y el recurso de casación: estudios en homenaje al profesor Almagro Nosete. Iustel, 2007.
"La presunción de inocencia como ‘derecho viviente’ en la jurisprudencia española", in Estudios jurídicos en homenaje al Cipriano Gómez Lara. Facultad de derecho de UNAM, 2007.
"La nueva ley concursal española", in Revista peruana de derecho procesal, issue 8 (2005).
"El procedimiento judicial para la liquidación del régimen económico matrimonial", in Cuadernos de derecho judicial, 2004 (issue 1). (Ejemplar dedicado a: La división judicial de patrimonios: aspectos sustantivos y procesales
"Documento de trabajo para el Seminario del Centre d'estudis sobre ‘El proceso civil del Siglo XXI’", in Revista peruana de derecho procesal, issue 7 (2004).
"La defensa penal en la etapa preparatoria", in Revista uruguaya de derecho procesal, issue 1-2 (2004).
‘La "prueba en contrario" en las presunciones judiciales’, in Revista peruana de derecho procesal, issue 6 (2003).
"El proceso civil y su futuro", in Derecho PUCP: Revista de la Facultad de Derecho, issue 56 (2003).
"La situación caótica y ‘laberíntica’ de la legislación concursal española: necesidad y aciertos de la Ley Concursal", in La Ley, issue 4 (2003).
"Las iniciativas probatorias del Juez y la nueva Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil", in El Derecho en la Facultad. Cuarenta años de la nueva Facultad de Derecho en Barcelona. Universitat de Barcelona, Marcial Pons, 2001.
"Método y sistema de elaboración de la reforma procesal civil española", in Libro de publicaciones del I Congreso Gallego de Derecho Procesal. Tórculo, 1999.
"Arbitraje y proceso judicial. Interferencias entre el arbitraje y el proceso judicial", in XV Congreso mexicano de Derecho Procesal. Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas e Instituto mexicano de Derecho Procesal, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1998. p 249-277.
"Ejecución provisional y medidas cautelares en la obra colectiva", in MORÓNO PALOMINO, M., El proceso civil y su reforma. Centro Superior de Estudios de la Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, Colex, 1998.
"Aspectos de la ejecución y de la tutela cautelar en el Anteproyecto de nueva Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil", in Presente y futuro del proceso civil, II Jornadas de Derecho Procesal. Bosch, 1998.
"La selección de los jurados", in Justicia, 1997-III.
"Prólogo", in SUAU MOREY, J., Tutela constitucional de los recursos en el proceso penal. Bosch, 1995.
"El procés penal: dos anys de judicis ràpids", in Studia iuridica, issue 11 (1995). (Ejemplar dedicado a: El procés penal).
"Discrecionalidad y Derecho Procesal", in Justicia, 1995-III y IV.
"Los principios del proceso civil", in Justicia, 1993-IV.
"Organización de despachos de abogados", in Justicia, 1992-II.
"La construcción del proceso cautelar en el Derecho Procesal Civil español", in Justicia, 1990-IV.
"Pautas metodológicas para elaborar un nuevo Código procesal", in La Ley, issue (1990).
"Instituciones saneadoras del proceso civil español: excepciones dilatorias y comparecencia previa", in Justicia, 1987-I.
"El pacto sobre costas y el nuevo artículo 523 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil", in La Ley, issue 2 (1986).
"Acumulación de autos: excepción a la “vis atractiva” del juicio de quiebra", in La Ley, issue 2 (1986).
"Comentario a la STS 2ª de 16 de septiembre de 1985", in La Ley, issue 1 (1986).
Jornadas sobre fe pública judicial. (1ª, Universidad internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Sitges, 1985). "La intervención del secretario judicial en el proceso", in Libro de las Jornadas. Generalitat de Catalunya, 1985.
"El principio acusatorio y su reflejo en el proceso penal español", in Revista Jurídica de Cataluña, 1984-II.
"La competencia territorial en los casos de quiebra necesaria", in Revista Jurídica de Cataluña, 1979-I.
"Histórico retracto legal que se denominó ‘graciosa’ y la ejecución procesal", in El sistema de recursos: perfeccionamiento del derecho de ejecución singular: X reunión de profesores de Derecho Procesal de universidades españolas. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 1977.
"Análisis sociológico de la casación civil", in El sistema de recursos: perfeccionamiento del derecho de ejecución singular: X reunión de profesores de Derecho Procesal de universidades españolas. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 1977.
"Rasgos definidores de la casación civil (española) ", in El sistema de recursos: perfeccionamiento del derecho de ejecución singular: X reunión de profesores de Derecho Procesal de universidades españolas. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 1977.
"El indulto general y anticipado establecido en el decreto 2940 de 22 de noviembre de 1975", in Revista Jurídica de Cataluña, 1975-IV.
"Análisis sociológico de la casación civil", in Revista de Derecho Procesal. 1975-I.
"Rasgos definidores de la casación civil española", in Revista de Derecho procesal, 1974-IV.
He has been a speaker at many scientific congresses held in several European and Latin American countries. Most of his papers have been written and published in the books of the respective congresses.
Lecture at the Tribute to Prof. Augusto Mario Morello, held in the city of Mar del Plata with the participation of Argentine procedural lawyers and guests from other countries (Mar del Plata, August 2009).
Lecture at the Tribute session "in memoriam" to Prof. Enrique Lino Palacio, on his concept of procedural law and his method of exposition, in a session shared with other professors (Buenos Aires, May 2007).
Lecture on "The procedural law tree and its new branches", in the First National Congress of Procedural Law, with international participation (Havana, Unión de Profesores de Cuba, April 2007).
Lecture at the Training Course for Judges and Magistrates of the United Mexican States, on "The accusatory system in the experience of the European Union countries" (Mexico, Instituto de Estudios Judiciales, August 2006).
Lecture at the Training Course for Judges and Magistrates of the Federal Judiciary of Mexico, with speakers from several countries (Mexico, Instituto de Estudios Judiciales, 2005).
Lecture at the International Congress of Roman Law, with Italian and Latin American procedural lawyers, on "Jurisprudence. Its function and unification mechanisms" (shared with Argentine Prof. Eduardo Oteiza) (Rome, May 2004).
Lecture on "The creation of the European Union and European Law", in the Training Course for Judges and Magistrates organized by the College of Professors directed by Prof. Gomez Lara (Mexico, 2003).
Law at faculty. Course for judges and jurists of Iberoamerica. Lecture in the 2004-2005 academic year (Toledo, 2005)
Course for judges and jurists from Latin America. Lecture during the 2003-2004 academic year (Toledo, 2004).
Lecture at the Seminar "Civil Procedure in the 21st Century" (Barcelona, Centre d'Estudis Jurídics, 2002), with Professors Tarzia (Milan), Perrot (La Sorbonne) and P. Giles (Frankfurt).
Inaugural lecture for the course on "Procedural principles" in the Training Course for jurists from all over Ibero-America (Salamanca, 2000).
Direction of the II University Extension Course on "Sentencing and appeals in the civil procedure" and the first two lectures of the course (Barcelona, 1999).Speaker, "Balance of successes and errors in the new Civil Procedure Law" at the XX National Congress of Procedural Law (San Martín de los Andes, Argentina, October 1999).
Speech at the professors' table at the "Workshop on the new Civil Procedure Law" (Barcelona, Il-lustre Col-legi d'Advocats de Barcelona, November 1999).
Speech at the Session of the II Galician Congress of Procedural Law on the Draft of the new Spanish Civil Procedure Law (A Coruña, November 1999).Series of conferences organized by IFAES on "General aspects of the new Civil Procedure Law" (Madrid, September 1999).
Conference on "Interim protection for contracts with duties to act and not act" (La Laguna, Canary Islands, 1999).
Speeches on "The role of judges in modern societies" and "The role of lawyers in modern societies" at the "XI World Congress of Procedural Law" (Vienne, August 1999).
Lecture at the XVI Mexican Congress of Procedural Law (Guanajuato, Mexico, April 1999).
University Extension Course on "The Defense of the Defendant" and "Exceptions and the Defense of the Defendant" (Barcelona, 1999).
Lecture at the Session of the First Galician Congress of Procedural Law on the Preliminary Draft of the new Civil Procedure Law (A Coruña, 1998).
Conference at the XVI Ibero-american Workshops on Procedural Law on "Current topics in Ibero-american Procedural Law” and on "Binding precedent in civil law and common law countries" (Brasilia, August 1998).
Conference for the XV Mexican Congress of Procedural Law (Mexico, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UNAM and Instituto Mexicano de Derecho Procesal, 1998).
Conference on "Defenses and other means of defense of the defendant in the civil process" (Buenos Aires, Universidad de Belgrano, 1998).
Conference on "The Spanish Jury Law. Critical Aspects" (Paraná, Procedural Law Department and Bar Association and Legislative Assembly of the State of Paraná, 1998)
Conference at the Congress of the Pan-American Institute of Procedural Law, on "the procedural action (retrospective and current vision)" (Buenos Aires, 1998).
Conference on "The Avanproject of a New Spanish Civil Process Law" (Milán, Cátedra de Derecho Procesal del Prof. Giuseppe Tarzia, 1998).
Conference on "Critical aspects, drafting method and system of the future LEC according to the first version of the Preliminary Draft" at the Conference (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, Universidad de Gran Canaria and Bar Association, 1998).
Conference on various aspects of enforcement in the Draft of the new Civil Procedural Law (Tenerife, Universidad de La Laguna and Bar Association of Tenerife, 1998).
Conference on the new Civil Procedural Law at the Congress on Procedural Law (Tarragona, Universidad Rovira i Virgili and Tarragona and Reus Bar Associations, 1998).
Speech on the most fundamental aspects of the draft of the new Civil Procedure Law (Madrid, Ausbanc, 1998).
Conference on the Draft of the new Civil Procedure Law (Cádiz, Cátedra de Derecho Procesal de Cádiz-Jerez de la Frontera, 1997).
Lecture at the “Conference on the draft of the new Civil Procedural Law” (Barcelona, Il·lustre Col·legi d'Advocats, November 1997).
Lecture on the “Influence of theory on positive legislation” at the XI Pan-American Meeting on Procedural Law (Buenos Aires, 1996).
Direction of seven procedural law workshops organized by the Ilustre Colegio de Procuradores de los Tribunales de Barcelona (1987-1993).
Lecture at the IX Ibero-american Conference on Procedural Law (Madrid, June 1985).
Speech at the “Annual Meetings” for Procedural Law Professors, held since 1972 in Palma De Mallorca, Valencia, Pamplona, Granada, Seville, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Cáceres and Santiago de Compostela (1972-1979).
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